Top 3 Ways to Avoid OSHA Fines & Ensure Workplace Safety

Posted by: Raza Shahid

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Why was Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) created? Simply to ensure employee well-being and safety by devising strict rules and policies that made sure regulatory compliance was observed. Employee safety is insured if likelihood of death or injuries are reduced by strictly adhering to the rules and standards.

But it gets worst. OSHA shared 2014 workplace accidents figures that showed a grim picture:

  • 4,281 deaths in the workplace in 2014
  • On average, 12 workers are killed each day 

In case of non-compliance, OSHA makes sure companies strictly follow their standards by “fining” them. In some cases, heavily. In our previous BLOG post we shared how OSHA Safety Violation Fines Increased by Almost 78%, could mean a difficult road ahead for non-compliant businesses.

Safest Ways to Avoid OSHA Penalties

There are steps your enterprise can take to ensure adherence to OSHA while also preventing deadly workplace accidents, here is how:

  1. Observe Regulatory Compliance

Lack of awareness is the root cause of accidental deaths, non-compliance, heavy fines and ultimately “bad press”. A solid plan of Workplace safety derived from OSHA’s listed rules could take care of these problems. A much cutting edge and time saver option is to implement an AI based regulatory compliance software that could easily automate these processes.

  1. Avoid Workplace Incidents

Taking care of workplace safety, ensuring smooth processes and deficiencies corrected automatically reduced OSHA’s wrath. Continuous training of employees on safety flashpoints creates a culture of compliance and ensures the enterprise remains ahead of the curve. There is a dire need to replace existing or incorporate cutting edge safety management software systems that could help in reducing operational risks and increase performance sharply.

  1. Make sure Employees are Healthy (Physically as well as Mentally)

Morale boosting through recognition, stress relieving activities such as games, outdoors could reduce workplace accidents a lot. In heavily regulated industries like Oil and Gas, Energy, Banking etc., mental stress plays a decisive factor that creates worst situations. Good company culture encourages employees perform to their fullest without bad experiences and makes sure a robust performance management software is in place to appraise them accordingly.


Source: Tom Reddon /


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