Complaints Management Datasheet

Complaints Management Datasheet
Predict360’s Complaints Management application enables organizations to manage, track, collect evidence and collaborate on all compliance-related tasks, activities, issues, and complaints in real-time.

The Predict360 Complaints Management Solution provides a single system and consistent approach to how issues are handled, tracked and managed within the organization. Managers are provided with a holistic and real-time view of all compliance issues and tasks across the organization and all locations

Have questions about how the solution can help your business achieve better issue and complaint management? Get in touch with our team and we will show you what Predict360 can do for your business.

Complaints Management Benefits


Activity Management

Manage follow-ups to ensure complaint resolution
Centralized Management

Centralized Management

Break departmental siloes through the organization-wide platform
Data Intelligence

Data Intelligence

Complaint data can be sorted by source, department, and more
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