Marketing Ad Review Software – Ensure Regulatory Compliance
Streamline your internal and third-party ad review process with the Predict360 Marketing Ad Review software application. Whether your compliance team needs to sign off on internal marketing department or external partner advertisements, such as FinTech ads, the application enables compliance to accept requests and then manage the review and approval process through configurable forms, workflows, and operational dashboards.
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Marketing Ad Review Application Features
The Predict360 Marketing Ad Review Application is powered by AI technology that streamlines and automates the advertising compliance process, including ad and campaign planning, collaboration, execution, sharing, monitoring, analysis, and reporting.
The key features of the Predict360 Marketing Ad Review Application are:
- A configurable, external web form for non-system users that captures relevant information about the ad, such as marketing campaign name, audience description, comments, campaign start and end dates, priority, products being advertised, category of regulation, who should be notified, attachment uploads, and more.
- A workflow process that assigns tasks to approvers with the information captured from the ad request form and linked compliance questionnaires/checklists used to assess the advertisement.
- The ability to configure first and second-level approvers.
- Integrated administrative screen to configure advertisement types, link those to checklists and/or assessments, and assign reviewer roles.
- Email notifications for review steps and outcomes.
- Reporting for workflow steps, including who reviewed each stage and associated checklists and comments.
- Operational dashboards with configurable reporting widgets that display information such as: Marketing Ads Under Review, Marketing Ads Approved and Live, Marketing Ads by Product, Marketing Ads by Quarter, Marketing Ads by Status Overall, and more

Regulatory Challenges of Marketing Advertising
When campaign volumes increase, marketing and compliance teams often struggle to manage regulatory advertising approval workflows. The main challenges are:
- Manual Record Keeping: The compliance or ad review process is usually managed in manual ways that aren’t easily trackable: Shared Documents, Emails, Hard Copies, etc.
- Accuracy, Punctuality, and Completeness: The numbers and types of content versions and requests that need to be approved for publication is difficult to be complete accurately and within deadline via manual efforts.
- Third-Party or Partners Tracking: Collaborators, partners, and more systems are involved in marketing content development; tracking and analyzing activities across all platforms and reviewers becomes very difficult.
- No Regulatory and Brand Compliance: Regulations for digital campaigns, product marketing, influencers, and disclaimers in many industries are rapidly changing with customer demands.
The Predict360 Marketing Compliance Software is a next-gen compliance management solution that provides insights, monitoring, and predictions of the advertising process and streamlines overall marketing or advertising compliance.
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Actionable Insights Lead to the Results
The Predict360 Marketing Ad Review application automates the ad review management process. It provides robust insights and dashboards and runs on a centralized platform making it easy to understand internal and external regulatory compliance. Marketing Compliance software provides advanced business intelligence through Tableau and Power BI to transform risk and compliance data into actionable information for multiple stakeholder audiences.
The Predict360 Marketing Ad Review application streamlines all the internal and third-party ad reviews to meet the terms of service, advertising policies, and guidelines, whether the compliance team requires a sign-off on the internal marketing department or external partner ads such as those from partner FinTechs. The application enables compliance to accept requests through workable forms, processes, and operational dashboards.
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360factors empowers organizations to accelerate profitability, innovation, and productivity by predicting risks and streamlining compliance.

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We selected Predict360 due to its ease of use, banking industry design, and endorsement by the American Banker’s Association.
Eric Sprink President & CEO
Predict360’s banking workflows, risk library content, and endorsement from the American Bankers Association are a great fit for our bank.
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Predict360’s out-of-the-box applications designed specifically for banks our size along with their banking content was a significant influence in our selection of 360factors.
John Dunne EVP Chief Risk Officer
As part of our initiative to expand our products and services, we wanted to enhance our enterprise risk and compliance management to support this growth. Predict360 will enable our team to meet these goals efficiently.
David Claussen Chief Risk Officer
360factors’ solutions, powered by artificial intelligence, enables our organization to adapt and respond effectively to the ever-changing regulatory compliance landscape.
Joanna Chancellor Business Support Manager
The powerful features combined with the easy implementation of the cloud solution made Predict360 a great fit for our organization.
Steve Parker Chief Executive Officer
We believe our collaboration with 360factors and the technology they bring supports our vision for the future.
Gina Anonuevo Chief Compliance Officer
Deploying Predict360 is another step by us towards becoming a more streamlined and efficient organization.
Crystal Barnes Regulatory Compliance Specialist