Does Automation Eliminate All Manual Efforts?

Posted by: Sarah Hamilton

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Early automobile drivers would look at the progressive technology in today’s cars with pure amazement of the simplified process. A car with an automatic transmission, does not require the driver do a whole of work to get from point A to point B compared to a 1908 Ford Model T; however, they have one common factor, a driver. Regardless of how automated we make a process, such as automotive transportation, there will still be a manual aspect.

When it comes to regulatory change management, a GRC solution integrates risk management processes for an organization to operate more efficiently. GRC knocks down the silos within an organization to connect processes of all the departments, which opens communication and synergies and limits repetitive work. Breaking down the silos gives an organization a holistic understanding of compliance and risk. Having said this, a GRC software, such as predict360, will not keep an organization in compliance without manual input.

In order to interpret the rule of the law and standards, the governance aspect of GRC, the abilities and experience of subject matter experts (SMEs) should still be utilized. While an automated process might house the regulations and standards, someone with knowledge and experience offers an organization guidance and best practices for remaining in compliance.

With a document management system, organizations alleviate employees of tedious, time consuming, manual tracking. You can manage versions of policies and procedures, mock audit results, proof of testing, and various other forms of evidence that makes an organization audit-ready. Having said that, employees must manually evaluate and update policies and procedures, complete mock audits, and produce evidence of compliance. While progressive technology transformed the way we travel from home to work, we still have to put in the manual effort to get us there.


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