Is the Power Grid Prepared for the next Extreme Superstorm?

Posted by: Carol Rice

Home/ Blog / Is the Power Grid Prepared for the next Extreme Superstorm?

Storms of unprecedented proportions:  Superstorm Sandy, followed by Nor’easter ‘Athena’, Blizzard ‘Nemo’, and ‘Skyfall’ Meteorite strikes earth!

What is the one dynamic component found in each and every one of these extreme record storms??  Failure of critical electrical systems!  Power outages that last for weeks!  Damage to electrical system performance following extreme events!

Superstorms are a new breed of weather that put lives, cities and utilities that were once protected in the eye of fury.  Are we ready for the next one??  Not being prepared for dealing with extreme weather events is very expensive.  Americans need to stop behaving as though major disasters are so rare and unpredictable that little can be done up front to make them less catastrophic.

Failure to adequately invest in energy infrastructures practically guarantees the failure of critical systems when they are placed under stress of extreme events.  At the top of the list must be improving the resilience of the nation’s electric power generation, transmission, and distribution systems.  While every major infrastructure sector is important, there is little that can keep operating when the lights go out.  Learning from disasters provides a potential learning opportunity for being much better prepared the next time around.  Catastrophic disasters like Superstorm Sandy should be seen as teachable moments to better prepare the utilities for the next Superstorm.

NERC Standard TPL-001-4—Transmission System Planning Performance Requirements:  Establishes Transmission system planning performance requirements to develop a Bulk Electric System (BES) that will operate reliably over a broad spectrum of System conditions and following a wide range of probable Contingencies.

NERC Standard EOP-001—Emergency Operations Planning:  Establishes the development, maintenance, implementation, and coordination of plans to mitigate operating emergencies.

These NERC Standards recognize the differing roles of each entity in the operation of the Bulk Electric System, the criticality and vulnerability of the assets needed to manage Bulk Electric System’s reliability and the risks to which they are exposed.

360Factors has a solution that will enable you to avoid these extremes by being prepared and mitigating your risks.  Your Compliance monitoring process will be a breeze.  360Factors can help you manage your “Extremes” before they happen!  They provide an easier way to manage all your NERC Standards, Compliance to these standards, practices, and procedures, Gap Analysis, RSAW, NERC Audits, and Job Task Analysis.

PREDICT360 is state of the art unique NERC Compliance software which has a regulatory application tool that helps identify which standards and regulations apply to each specific type of utility.  I strongly believe this regulatory knowledge base would be a valuable tool which would enable you to take corrective and preventative actions!  PREDICT360 is the Solution to NERC’s risk based audits.

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