FRED and Its Utilization in Predictive Risk Management
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Home / White Papers / FRED and Its Utilization in Predictive Risk Management
Understanding the Value of Market Data in Risk and Compliance Management
Risk Management in financial institutions is an essential function that involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that may impact the organization’s financial stability, reputation, or operations. Effective Risk and Compliance management requires accurate and timely data to make informed decisions about risk exposure and management strategies. The Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) is a widely recognized source of economic data used to inform risk management practices in financial institutions and regulatory bodies.

FRED is a comprehensive online database that provides access to vast economic data, including national and regional economic data, financial market data, and macroeconomic indicators. The data available in FRED can be used to develop and monitor Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) – metrics used to track and measure risks – specific to an institution’s operations or industry. Its value can be enhanced by coupling it with other important data, such as FFIEC Call Reports, which can provide invaluable Peer Analysis and Benchmarking information.
This white paper emphasizes the importance of timely and accurate data in risk management. It explains how FRED can be accessed, utilized, and incorporated into risk management practices, particularly in developing and monitoring KRIs.

Download this white paper to learn more about:
- FRED Series and where it is derived from
- Types of Data available in FRED and their possible uses
- How to utilize FRED for KRIs and Risk Management
- How is FRED Series used for Risk and Compliance Management in an ERM such as Predict360?
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