Bring NERC-PRC-005 into Focus

Posted by: Sarah Hamilton

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PRC-001-1, PRC-004-2a, PRC-005-1b, PRC-007-0, PRC-008-1, PRC-011-0 and PRC-023-1 have been identified as high-priority reliability standards.

PRC-005 is the most violated NERC-PRC standard of all time, and its mission to organize and implement protection system maintenance is especially critical for ensuring system reliability.  The level of PRC-005 compliance of the registered entity will be the most telling for compliance with these reliability standards.  The compliance performance of a registered entity with PRC-005 is a good guide as to how well protection systems at that entity are maintained and tested.

Common violations have included failing to (1) test protection systems in accordance with the user-defined program; (2) have a maintenance and testing program consistent with the requirements of the standard (e.g., not including testing procedures for each type of protection system device);  (3) have adequate documentation of testing results.

Each year, NERC issues their report of the Top 10 All Time Violated Standards.  NERC-PRC-005 has ranked in the top ten of this list since inception.  PRC-005’s presence is still dominating the list!  Why?

Table 1: Top-10 violation statistics for the near term in all Regions and by Interconnection for all reliability standards.

From PRC-005 compliance violations and subsequent corrections, the industry should have learned by now that a utility should have accurate and effective policies, procedures, and controls in place that are followed and kept up to date.  So why is PRC-005 still on the top ten    All Time Violated Standards list?

360Factors has developed solutions that specifically address PRC-005, which can help utilities ensure they are compliant with this standard.  Violations will be a thing of the Past!  360Factors will manage all your compliance requirements and will provide an easier way to manage all your NERC Standards, Compliance to these standards, practices, and procedures, Gap Analysis, RSAW, NERC Audits, and Job Task Analysis.

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