360factors Blog

Risk, Compliance and Technology Thought Leadership Updates and Insights

360factor Blog

Regulatory Change Solution for Managing Change Intensity in 2024

April 20, 2024 Sarah Hamilton

As we step into 2024, the regulatory environment is rapidly evolving due to new regulations. It is significantly shaped by the dynamic interplay of economic fluctuations, election-year uncertainties, and myriad legal actions. Regula...

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AI in Finance: Top 10 Components of a Generative AI Framework for Augmented Risk and Compliance

April 10, 2024 Christine Thomas

In recent years, the financial services sector has witnessed a seismic shift towards integrating generative AI in finance technologies. This transformative journey is about adopting new tools and fundamentally reimagining how bankin...

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Understanding and Using the Audit Risk Model and Its Components

April 3, 2024 Bobby ONeal

The audit risk model classifies the risks that can happen, especially when an external auditor is being used. Every business activity carries a certain amount of risk. Whenever there is an audit there are several risks that need to b...

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AI in Financial Services: Unveiling the Revolutionary Impact on Risk Management

March 30, 2024 Sarah Hamilton

Imagine a financial landscape where every risk management decision, from the most mundane to the most critical, is underpinned by an intelligence so profound that it can foresee risks long before they emerge. This is not the realm o...

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Adopting Generative AI in Finance for Strengthening Risk and Compliance Management

March 19, 2024 Christine Thomas

The financial services sector stands on the brink of a transformative revolution, ready to redefine the landscape by adopting generative artificial intelligence (AI). This technological advancement is a significant jump toward effic...

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Three Major Stages to Successfully Perform Risk Assessments for Financial Organizations

March 12, 2024 Sarah Hamilton

In the intricate financial environment, the ability to perform risk assessment effectively is not just necessary; it's imperative for the survival and prosperity of any financial institution. The financial landscape is loaded with v...

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