Who is really watching the Power Grid?

Posted by: Carol Rice

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Is the Power Grid really prepared for the “Hackers of Shanghai”?  What critical knowledge of the Bulk Electric System do the “Hackers of Shanghai” already possess?

A dirty little secret in control systems is once you get through their perimeters; our utilities have NO security at all!  They don’t even have four digit pins like your ATM cards!

Security experts have for years expressed concerns, if not outrage, that the nation’s critical infrastructure remains so vulnerable so long after September 11, 2001.

But the escalating threats from hackers in China, and Iran, in addition to Russia and North Korea appear to be lending new urgency to efforts to make sure companies and government agencies are better prepared.

Utilities are you prepared?  NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection Standards CIP-002-3 through CIP-009-3 provide a cyber security framework for the identification and protection of Critical Cyber Assets to support reliable operation of the Bulk Electric System (BES).

These standards recognize the differing roles of each entity in the operation of the Bulk Electric System, the criticality and vulnerability of the assets needed to manage BES reliability and the risks to which they are exposed.

If I told you there was an easier way to manage all you NERC Standards, Compliance to these standards, practices, and procedures, Gap Analysis, RSAW, NERC Audits, and Job Task Analysis, would you be interested?  My friends I have just the company:  360Factors Inc.  PREDICT360 is state of the art unique NERC Compliance software which has a regulatory application tool that helps identify which standards and regulations apply to each specific type of utility.  I strongly believe this regulatory knowledge base would be a valuable tool which would enable you to take corrective and preventative actions!  PREDICT360 is the Solution to NERC’s risk based audits.

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