Four Ways Internal Audit Software Can Help Your Business

Posted by: Bobby ONeal

Home/ Blog / Four Ways Internal Audit Software Can Help Your Business

1 – Better Audit Scheduling Management

Audit scheduling is completely automated by internal audit software for banks. There is a display that shows all the audits that have been scheduled. When an internal audit is nearing its scheduled date the software sends notifications to all the assigned stakeholders automatically.

2 – Better Reporting for Regulatory Bodies

Audit management software improves your organization’s relationship with regulatory bodies. When regulatory bodies need any information or want to perform an audit, they will ask your business for as much data as possible.

internal audit software

3 – Increased Collaboration for Audits

Internal audits should not be isolated in nature. While the people directly responsible for the audit will obviously have the most input, an internal audit needs input from many other stakeholders to paint a true picture of the problems and challenges being faced by the business.

4 – Better Audit Assessments

Audit management software doesn’t just increase the speed and efficiency of internal audits – it also increases the quality of audit results and assessments. Management can see the results of every audit with just a few clicks. Management can see the results of every audit with just a few clicks.

Cloud Based Audit Management Software

One big reason that companies hesitate with implementing effective audit management solutions is their perception that the implementation will be costly and will take a lot of time. While some of the massive solutions delivered by legacy vendors do indeed carry a large cost with them, the cloud solutions available are neither expensive to procure nor hard to implement. Since they are cloud-based services your business simply has to subscribe to them and make a small monthly payment. Since they are cloud-based services there is no long implementation period required. The service runs completely on the cloud – it just needs to be integrated with your network.

If you are looking for a better way to approach internal audit management and want to see what internal audit management software solutions can do for your business, then you have come to the right place. The Predict360 Audit Management Software has been designed to deliver you better, faster, and more productive internal audits. Get in touch with our team. We will understand your audit needs and then demonstrate how the Predict360 Assessments module can help your organization achieve its business goals.

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