NEWS ALERT: High-Risk Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities to Face Special Inspections

Posted by: Raza Shahid

Home/ Blog / NEWS ALERT: High-Risk Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities to Face Special Inspections

Five O&G facilities termed as “high-risk” could face special inspections as part of the pilot project developed by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE).  These inspections would be based on past inspection, audit information and the results of risk-based modeling.

“BSEE’s inspection teams will be focusing on several risk areas or operations, we will be taking a deeper look into how operators implement and support their safety readiness programs.”

BSEE Director Brian Salerno   


Choice of facilities for inspection would depend upon factors such as data collected under the agency’s National Inspection Program; the agency’s Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS) audits; facility size; and whether they produce hydrogen sulfide. Risk factors would include design, operating and environmental characteristics of the facility, which may correlate to a greater likelihood of experiencing an incident.


The news release also said “Upon completion of each facility inspection and review, the BSEE team will discuss with the operator the areas needing attention or improvement, BSEE will then ask the operator to develop an action plan addressing the areas identified.”

On a similar note – BSEE is in the midst of finalizing several rule changes involving offshore drilling operations, several of which are controversial.


Source: By Mark Schleifstein,


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